Finish of the sweater

When you finish both sleeves, you start work on the body

You work till time to join the sleeves. I didn’t take a picture of this part. I started the yoke, using a design from Priscilla’s book and putting the decreases in the pattern. Here’s what it looked like:

There were problems. I didn’t like the way the decreases affected the design. And the white yarn was consistently thicker. Also, I was trying to avoid long floats by weaving in. I finished the sweater, wove in the ends and tried it on. It did not meet my vision of a faded pattern. So I did this:

This is me cutting off the yoke! Since I would just be knitting a new yoke, I knew that it wouldn’t take long to fix. I left the longer floats, changed the decreases and came up with this:

I finished it and blocked it. This is the final result:

I’ve worn it in the woods and it is a cozy and warm sweater. I’m really happy I redid the yoke. And I’m trying to sort out my notes as I work on the next one.

  1. Gorgeous! I love the colors. I like the second yoke also.

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