Monthly Archives: May 2021

Quick one

Thought I would do a quick update. No pictures in this one. Life is really an awful mess right now. The house has been cluttered with things to be packed for going on three years now. We had a lot of things packed up and stored in the big truck. I decided that I was not going to use that, so had to have everything brought back in the house. And I’ve gone through it multiple times. I had to plan a new way to do this. My problem is that I am moving to a new area, with no place to stay when I get there. I looked into covered trailers but they seemed expensive. Then I found this: Paleo Tool  I have always loved vardos. It dawned on me that I could do one, leave the inside unfinished, load it with my things to move, then unload to a storage locker. I could then finish the inside and camp using the vardo till I found a place.  The more I thought about it, the more it resonated with me. And while I have info on making a different version, primarily out of plywood, this vardo design is what I want. I like pretty much everything about it.


I have ordered a utility trailer to build this on. Mine will be 6×12 ft. My stepson finds it a really interesting project, so he has said he will help me build it. He has a lot of construction experience. I have been ordering things for it. I have the same wood stove he uses and it is a wonderful little stove. I plan to keep my systems as simple as possible. Every time I deviate from this, it just gets complicated. I decided to get a small fridge, which meant getting a small generator to charge batteries to run it. I intend to put a bathroom area into mine. I am to the point of buying lumber, which has gone sky high while I’ve been planning this. It’s a small structure and I’ll manage somehow. I will post pictures of this, when I finally start work on the project.


And the more I thought about it, the more I thought about not buying anything at all just yet. It would be great to travel a bit, while I’m still able to make those drives. The problem for folks that are full time RVers is that they don’t have a permanent address. But there are states that will let you establish yourself as a resident. And South Dakota is the easiest state for that. So my plans are a bit different. I will rent a UHaul and move the things I want to keep there, for storage. When the vardo is done, I’ll go and switch my residency to there. And then, I’ll decide what I want to do and where I want to go. It will be an adventure. I am getting rid of a lot of stuff and giving away some things I thought I might keep. I am looking forward to a snug little home with a wood fire and kerosene lamps. Just like old times.