Monthly Archives: April 2023


I am still trying to settle in with recent changes. I was terminated at work, along with two coworkers, because they wanted people to come in to the office three days a week. No way that’s happening from here. I am looking for work but this may turn into retirement. I have so much I want to do here. I’ve been trying to catalog all the yarn I’ve bought over the last few years. That’s what I want to work on. And it’s difficult to settle in to a new community, when you are at home working until 7.

There are some other issues that may be resolved soon but don’t want to talk about those yet. I picked up a Canon DSLR and have been trying to learn how to use it. I have been taking short trips in the area and want to take better pictures. I went to The Garden of Eden in Lucas last week.

It was a fun trip! I don’t know if I’ll use it but I have a small tent for overnight stays. I can sleep in the back of the car too. But first, I have to get the mahogany kitchen table moved out of the car into the house. Am hoping for help with that soon. No progress on the garden. The weather has not been cooperating. I did get Jake to the groomers.

So far, it’s been nice to rest and to have time to relax. My birthday is tomorrow. I miss being able to go to Larson’s to get a cake. That was one of Lon’s favorite places. But I picked up a tiramisu cake at the store and that will do. Still waiting for warmer weather.