Monthly Archives: May 2022

Long time between posts!

Lots of things happening all at once. I am finally wrapping things up here. Will be looking for a  new place and planning a move. I’ve waited a long time for it and it will be nice to see something new. I have to finish the last of the packing and make sure that I’ve gotten rid of as much extra stuff as I can.

And…I had to put Loretta down last night. She was getting to the point where she had trouble walking. Just going out to the yard was hard. She did manage to go to the woods on Sunday. I wasn’t sure if she could do it, as she had a seizure on Friday. She had to stop mid way and rest but did make it back to the car. She was a sweet dog and I will miss her. She is likely the last puppy I’ll ever have.


I am still working on some projects. I am making another IPA from Chic Knits, to replace the one that someone decided to wash in the washer. Pictures when I’ve made a bit more progress. And I’ve been doing a small amount of spindle spinning. Mostly I have been trying to recover from three weeks of laryngitis. It’s really tough to deal with life when you can’t talk. It’s slow, but I am starting to talk well enough to be understood.