The bland leading the bland: UPDATED

There was a link to an article, on another blog I read. I was struck by how spot on this is:


“The day cannot be far off, one imagines, when people will viscerally understand the danger to themselves of saying certain things on social media and will censor themselves automatically. If this continues long enough, certain things will not only become unsayable but unthinkable, for habit eventually is transformed into character. This is the whole point of political correctness: It aims at the most radical of dictatorships, that which requires the enforcement of no police because everyone is incapable of breaking the rules.”


The article is at


I read an article about Cuba that mentioned this same thing. People internalize these rules and restrictions, to the point where it does become unthinkable.

Update: I want to post this link as I think it’s important info:



  1. Christine McCabe

    Project Veritas has a video out there about Google. They run algorithms to control how and what people search for. I’ve realized this for a while, but it is really chilling to hear the people talk about the control they have on the information that is o u t there and one woman on the video is gleeful about it. Creepy.

  2. And they use access to that information to dox people, publish their personal information. The Democratic staffer that leaked personal information of Republican Senators during the Kavanaugh hearings was just convicted.

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