Stuff goes on

Still working. It’s difficult. I just had another birthday and I am truly ready to retire. There are some things happening that could make this a very good year. So we shall see.

Found a You Tube channel called Just My Typewriter. It had me inspired to pull out the three Smith Coronas that made the move. I’ve ordered new ribbons. She has good imstructions on how to clean them so I will tackle that next. And I found something called Typepals, where you get a typewriting penpal! There are some activities that bring fun into your life and typewriters do that for me.

Mr. Trouble is back home after a three day stay at the vets. He had abscesses on his tail and seemed like he had an infection. I took him in and also had them neuter/chip/and rabies vaccination while out. Since he had to wear a cone for three days, I decided to board him. I expected grumpiness but he is so happy to see me and be home. He is not 100% yet but is healing up.

I have plans again to garden. I picked up a small Mantis tiller but have it about halfway put together. The weather has been crappy the last two weekends. I just seem exhausted on the weekend. I have to get areas cleared for berry bushes and fruit trees. I have things heeled into pots right now. I really don’t want to do a lot. I just want some berry bushes.

Jake and Fanny are doing fine. I am trying to get Troubles worked into the household but no joy yet. He did claw Jake in the eye last summer so I try to make sure he behaves around Jake.

I did a field trip to the Eisenhower museum in Abilene this year with my friends. Was interesting and I like Abilene. I’ve found a place near Russell with raw milk so I make the drive out every couple of weeks. I want to get back into short trips again. I’d planned to go to Red Cloud NE on my birthday but it was too windy for the trip. I have a new tent and can set the car up for camping. I will get a few more trips in before the hot weather sets in.

And that’s it for now!

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