Just a quick one

I thought I’d actually done a post here last week. Oh well.  Not a lot of progress being made. The yard looks better but we still need to clear out the house. I am trying to get things wrapped up here and get out of here before winter sets in. I am looking at moving to South Dakota at this point. No particular reason. I can’t take the heat any more and I don’t know how much I’ll wind up with from the estate. I need something with an affordable cost of living and a house I can afford.

Still waiting on my trailer. They can’t get axles for it. I ordered it the end of March. I’d planned to use that to stay in while house hunting. At this point, I’m ready to buy something sight unseen. I would have a house inspection of course. But we have a mask mandate yet again, which means I am stuck at home and I’ve had enough. This is insanity and I want to move to where people are allowed to have a life. I am so done with this.

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