More Loretta pictures

Loretta in the snow

This is a picture of Loretta in the snow a couple of weeks ago (all gone now!) She’s chewing on a lettuce leaf. It’s just hard to get a good picture of black dogs.

Loretta up close

This is probably the best picture I have of her. It’s a little washed out because we had sun coming in through the front window. You can actually see her face and she’s not chewing on anything.

Loretta with the teeth

And this is what she normally looks like, rolling her eyes and chewing on something. Good thing she was calm when I took this!

  1. Loretta’s a cutie! What do the rest of the critters think of her?

  2. The big dogs are not amused. She’s a bit afraid of Wallace as he has blasted her a couple of times. The cats are doing a bit better. Jack actually tries to play with her a bit and is working on putting her in her place. She chases the chickens everywhere. She’s still staying clear of the goats. Last night, we had her outside and Jeffrey shined the light over to the big stump in the yard. There was a bobcat under it, which I guess explains what happened to that turkey that we lost this winter. We try to keep an eye on her, but really she thinks she is in charge of the place.

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