A depressing week

Lon is usually in good humor, which helps because I can really vary. We’ve both been pretty depressed this week. He had a tow truck come out and try to pull out one of the boats at the river. We’ve tried working on this one several times. They were able to move it a bit, but the strap around the front of the boat pulled through. The wood is really rotten. We will likely need to pay a diver again, to try and re-rig it, then pay the tow truck driver to come back out. It gets expensive.

Then there are property taxes. This is always a struggle and we never know how we are going to come up with them. I have to finish my taxes and try to get back money from Oregon, which will help pay the property taxes. Lon shut off Quinn’s phone. He has not been returning his calls. We’ve continued to pay for his cell phone and the only reason we do that is to be able to stay in contact with him. So he is going to need to get and pay for his own phone. I did go ahead and update my phone today. I like my iphone 3GS, but it’s getting slow and I’d like to tap into 4G network. I found a refurb at a decent price.

Then there’s my health. The lung specialist is waiting for blood test results but he thinks I have Bird Fancier’s disease. It’s an allergy to the dust off the bird feathers and the droppings. We will have to move the parrots out of the house to keep them and Lon will have to help minimize any dust from the birds. That means working on the shed to insulate it and sound proof it a bit. It takes time and money, but we have to clear the allergens out of the house for me to get well. If the blood test confirms the diagnosis, I’ll go back on steriods and I’ve felt good every time I’ve had those. If the blood test isn’t conclusive, I could be looking at a bronoscopy. I really do not want to have that. I promised Lon, before we got involved, that I would take care of his birds. Now, I’m in a situation where I put my health at risk just to be around them. I am really sad about it.

I still am not really up to doing much over the weekend. I spend a lot of time in the bedroom, which does get me away from the parrots. I just do not have the energy to do much and I start coughing when I try and do too much. I have been eating better this week, and have felt a bit better. I think, if we can get the bird room cleaned out this weekend, that I might get some of my energy back.

We do have lots of little yellow daffodils in the front yard, with other spring blooms getting close. The weather will start to warm up soon. And maybe some of the other depressing things will resolve themselves. It’s just the way it goes.

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