Summer at last


Well we have hit that yearly milestone. We paid property taxes on both places. We can finally start to focus on other projects (like painting the trailer interior.) The little garden is starting to go.


This was taken a couple of weeks after it was planted. I’ll try and do an update this week. We are almost to the point of having zucchini. Tomatoes will take awhile longer. We did get a nice rain this week and are supposed to have a few hot days next week. I still have a lot of stuff here in town that needs to be transplanted at the river.

I didn’t make Black Sheep this year. The van was badly overheating. We had to replace the hose, radiator, thermostat and water pump before it was fixed. Now the transmission is unhappy. We will start trying to come up with a pickup for the replacement.

I’ll have the Fourth off, but will likely work on Labor Day. I will need some vacation time before we get to that. I would really like a few days of doing nothing.

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