Latest stuff

So the latest is that I’m doing much better on the meds. I saw my doctor yesterday and he is going to taper me off the steroids. The real test will be to see how I do once I’m off them. I’ll go in for another chest x-ray in 3 weeks. I am actually able to work on the house now and am finally getting things cleaned up. If my chest x-ray looks good, it will mean that the air filters are doing a good enough job that we don’t have to get rid of the birds, as long as Lon doesn’t come down with this. We are still trying to get air filters for the garage and bird room.

I picked up an ebook called “Paperless Home Management”. It’s fantastic! She uses Gmail, Evernote, and Remember the Milk to track everything in her life. I set up the system on my phone yesterday. I was trying to use the FlyLady routines to clean the house, when I got sick. It’s so nice to have them set up and actually be able to DO them. I also want to clean up the yard and get some sort of garden going. I used an app called Skitch, that saves stuff in Evernote. I took pictures of the front yard this morning and made notes of what I’d like to change. It really helps to look at this from a detached viewpoint.

Other than that, nothing really new. We still have a ton of work to do down at the river. I just wish we could be done with it. If it were up to me, I’d move out of this area all together. But it’s not my call. I at least want to make the house more comfortable. I’ve spent too long putting that on hold, figuring that we’d move to the river. I’m tired of waiting for something that doesn’t seem to happen. I want to work on where I live now.

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