Working my way through November

Jeffrey’s birthday is this Saturday, although we don’t have plans to do anything. I will make a batch of gluten-free chocolate chip cookies. I do have a new typewriter, but don’t have pictures yet. It’s the strangest thing. I put in a very specific prayer for another typewriter in better shape than my current ones, and asked for a 1950s Smith-Corona Silent-Super (their top of the line typewriter). And amazingly, Freecycle came through with exactly that. It matches the Clipper but it has key set tabs. I am really enjoying the writing, although it’s pretty dreadful at this point. Still, I know how it should be written now, and I just need to finish up with the story so I can do it right.

We are going to be getting a wood stove, a nice small Waterford. It’s from the house we have been caretaking for the church. I also need to get the two cats moved out of there and merged with mine somehow. All of this depends on finishing the porch, which is getting closer. We had snow the other night (most of which is gone today) so we definitely need a way to bank a fire overnight. The cookstove is not doing a bad job. I am hoping that we can get back enough from taxes to build something larger. Even a Thoreau sized cabin (10 ft by 18 ft, if you were wondering) would be nice.

The goats tried to kill Jeffrey yesterday, so I guess things are normal. They’ve been kept in the last few days due to weather. He had to get in to put halters back on Maddie and Scamper. The terrible two kept knocking the stall door on him. I’m going to see if we can make halters for them this weekend, so they can be confined out of the way if needed.

I’ll be taking a vacation day on Friday, so I’ll have a real 4 day weekend. Hope everyone out there has a nice holiday!

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