A quick update

We have more chicks. One of our partridge rocks was sitting a nest. We didn’t know until she came out and we saw little heads under her. When she got up, oh my! She had 10 chicks under her, newly hatched. There was only one chick that didn’t hatch out. She has them up and moving. So far, they are doing fine.

I am on a very tight budget this month. I’ve never been very good at budgeting. But so far, I’ve done good. I guess we’ll find out how good I do about three weeks from now. I do have a tip for those trying to eat for very little money. Make a soup one day. The next day, add beans and possibly rice. It tastes different and is filling.

We are trying to move forward with building the addition to the trailer but no real progress to date. In the meantime, I’ve become fascinated with typecasting. It means that you use a typewriter to do your blog post and then scan it to post it as an image. This site will show you what I mean. I dug the old Remington out and have been practicing a bit. If I can get the scanner set up, I hope to do a typecasting post of my own.

All the goats are doing well. This time of year, they’d prefer to stay inside and eat hay. Since the goats are on a tight budget too, we kick them out and make them go eat weeds. We did kill last year’s kid, as he was fighting with Bucko. We have been eating him. He was almost a year old so we tenderize the meat first by using a pressure cooker, then cooking in the usual way. It’s been some time since I’ve had goat and it still tastes good. We’ve had reasons for keeping the little guys we have now (mostly because they seem trainable) but we may raise up some to butcher in the next batch.

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