
This is Laverne.
She is our latest goat. She is eight years old. She looks like she has been photoshopped and stretched. I think she is about six inches in width. Anyway, she was free, so we thought we would see if we could get a few kids from her before she passes on. She is a Toggenburg/Nubian cross, but looks Nubian to me. We thought she might be well behaved, but she wound up on the rope due to some mishaps yesterday. I think I am going to need a coat for her as she seemed cold this morning. She is reported to be a good milker and usually has triplets. She seems happy with the amount of browse we have, as she came from the east side where it was pretty slim pickins’. She sort of reminds me of Granny Clampett.

UPDATE: Unfortunately, the same day I posted this picture, Laverne came down with pneumonia. We had to put her down the next day.

  1. Whats “browse”?

  2. Browse is whatever grows on the trees and the ground. Cattle graze (meaning they eat the grass). Goat browse (meaning they will climb into the trees and strip the leaves off them.)

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