Bye bye, Folkwear

Got the monthly email from Folkwear today. She says “Ravelry came out with clear rules about posting support of Trump and equating it with white supremacy. It got some press. I am glad they did this and I fully support them.”

I’ve been buying Folkwear patterns for some time, back to the original owners. I used two of their patterns for my wedding skirt and blouse. I am not surprised by this stance as they did a big BIPOC email, then started using black models for their patterns. Now, there is nothing wrong with black models. But perhaps they might want to take a look at the demographics of their customers. And this owner has not owned the business all that long. I think I’ve seen maybe four different owners, since they started.

At any rate, any business that wants to call people racists based on their political affiliation will not be getting any more of my business. And that “clear rules about posting” is more BS. They are banning and suspending people for anything they feel like. But everything is acceptable if you are anti-Trump. Ravelry has had new subscriptions locked down for three weeks now. Estimates are around 20,000 members lost. And we are all sure that 8.5 million members number is bogus. I believe R was hacked and several thousand new bogus accounts created. I don’t really care. But it seems strange that some business owner would risk their own business and the jobs of their employees to virtue signal for someone else’s website and business. I’ve seen good companies go down for a lot less.

  1. Linda Morehouse

    The free market is a wondrous thing. Witness the new high-sided old-fashioned sneaker that just sprang up celebrating the Betsy Ross flag, its phenomenal sales jump-started by people’s reactions to Kaepernick’s objections to the Nike version. It’ll be the same in the yarn-and-pattern industry, just watch.

  2. They’re still not allowing new members? Interesting.

    About the hacking…I heard that Casey announced that all their subscribers will be required to reset their passwords. That would seem to confirm your theory.

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