Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m off to a friend’s place for the meal. I don’t know if there’s much of anyone that reads this blog, since it was down so long. But if you do, I hope you have a good day too.

I’m going to change the site a bit. I’ll be moving the blog to the main spot on notsothoreau.com. I’ll put up a redirect, in case anyone has just the blog bookmarked. My focus will be changing too. There probably won’t be any homesteading posts any more, although I think I will try to keep the place. I’d like to build on it, but I think my goat days are over. I just can’t do it alone. I’m doing a little better these days. I will be glad to have the holidays over. I’m working Christmas and the day after and will be working tomorrow. It’s easier to maintain if I do.

For those of you in the Portland, OR area, I’d urge you to go see the exhibit of historical pictures of the Columbia River Gorge at the Portland Art Museum. It’s going until January 11th, I believe. I went last weekend and the pictures are wonderful. The biggest thrill for me was the picture of John W Stevenson’s home and orchard. We lived on the Stevenson place for a few happy years. The homesite is covered with rock and I’d heard about it. Had no idea there were pictures of it. The exhibit brought back a lot of happy memories for me.

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