One more cat post


The old guy is gone. We took him to the vets last night to be put down. This is a good vet. We asked him to check Jack out, just to be sure, and the vet agreed it was time. He could no longer hold his head up by himself and was having some problems breathing. He went quickly and peacefully. I will never forget the first time I saw him. It was at a natural pet food store. One of the clerks was carrying him around in her pocket. Someone had taken a litter of kittens, put them in a cat carrier and left them in the parking lot of an apartment. She’d found homes for the other kittens and needed one for Jack. I think he may have been four weeks old as he always acted as though I was his mom. He was intelligent and always took care of any of the new kittens. He was outside just once in his life, when we were in the trailer in Stabler. Jeffrey happened to go out and find him in front of the trailer, looking very scared and surrounded by goats and chickens. That was enough adventure for him.

I’ve had a lot of cats, some with great personalities. None of them were like Jack. Lon really helped me deal with this and feels bad about losing him too. I wish there was something else we could have done. Rest easy, binkie cat.


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