
Thought I should post some pictures of the dock that the State finds so terribly objectionable. It is in disrepair right now, as they keep telling us they want to rip it out.
2016-08-07 12.26.54
2016-08-07 12.27.01

Anyway, we have someone helping us out in exchange for the Aqua Home, which is the big boat in the picture above. We are having to kick out the latest group caretaking the place. It has been an ongoing struggle to get them to understand that they have to keep the place picked up. Everytime we haul off a bunch of junk, there’s more to take its place. We can’t leave the place vacant, as the thieves move in. We dodged a bullet as someone set fire to the back of the place this week. We think it’s the guy we had the restraining order out on. That expired last month. Fortunately, it was put out before the garage caught fire. And so, we have installed real gates on the driveway. Will be adding fencing and security cameras in the future. I’ve had a nice security cam for a year but Lon has been afraid it would be stolen if we install it.! If we  can get internet put in, we’ll be able to keep an eye on the place a little bit better.

Lots of work to be done on the house too. Lon is clearing out the garage. I can’t work on it  because I can’t be anywhere near the birds. I went to a memorial service for my friend’s husband on Saturday and was just wiped out. It’s been in the high 90s the last few days, and I just can’t deal with the humidity and heat any more. But we both keep at it a little bit every day.And we are still having problems with the truck. I have never had a vehicle as hard to start as this one. We’ve replaced all the sensors and the fuel pump. This time, we replaced the catalytic converters and it seems to run even worse. I guess the injectors are next. We still have to use starting fluid to get it to go. And so, we haven’t made any long trips this summer. And with the people still at the river, it’s not even a nice place for a staycation.

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